How can I update the price for my publication?

If you need to update the price for your publication, please create a counteroffer using the "Create counter offers for publications" button on this page:

If you post an article, you will be paid the rate listed. We cannot change this after the fact. If an article is assigned to a publication, and the price for the publication has changed, * please reject the article and note the new price.

Note that if you are able to lower the price per post for one or more of your publications, this will increase the number of articles assigned to your publication(s) and can maximize the overall revenue that you can generate from our partnership.

Similarly, increasing the price for your publication negatively impacts the appeal of your website leading to less posts assigned to your site and potentially a lesser amount of revenue generated. Price increases that are exceedingly beyond a reasonable valuation for your publication(s) may result in your publication(s) being deactivated within our system.

Updated on: 14/07/2022

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